Jav Grojas

8 top 1
86 top 50
130 songs
6.7K plays
Picture for song 'Plasmyods: 1.The life of plasmyods' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Plasmyods: 1.The life of plasmyods

Plasmyods [sic], pseudo-living in the space, spread across solar systems, carrying a form of life through the galaxy.

#8 in Electronica No samples

Picture for song 'Plasmyods II: Forlorn Asteroid' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Plasmyods II: Forlorn Asteroid

In the fringes of the system, a lonely asteroid wanders its way, oblivious to the rest of bodies.

#3 in Acoustic Piano No samples

Picture for song 'Above the World' by artist 'Jav Grojas'
Picture for song 'Preter World: The Snake of Fire' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Preter World: The Snake of Fire

The Snake of Fire is a formidable creature that stalks and leaps from the molten soil, where it is invisible. It is not clear if there is only one creature or there are several snakes of fire or they are just instances of one Snake.

Electronica No samples

Picture for song 'Plasmyods II: The Dead Planet' by artist 'Jav Grojas'

Plasmyods II: The Dead Planet

The plasmyods arrive to an unfortunate neptunian planet, that went too close to its star and lost most of its dense atmosphere. All that remains is a rotten, cindered core...

Contemporary No samples

My preference to make songs is to create instrumental pieces without a fixed rhythm or a drum track. Usually they don't have repeated sections (chorus, verses, ... ) or patterns. The style of the songs tries to be "free form", a bit "jazzy", trying to sound as "improvised " and not rigidly structured. Also somehow as some classical pieces of 20th century. The pieces sometimes sound "relaxing" or a bit like a "filmscore". Other times they are more like "synthesizer space music".
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